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Frequently asked questions

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Frequently asked questions

Why don't you call the foot volleyball table a Teqball table?

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Teqball is a relatively new sport, invented by a handful of professional football players from Hungary.
Of course, the sport of foot volleyball existed before, it was played on a regular table tennis table.
We have made the well-known table tennis table with a curved top. You can play many games on this, including the Teqball game.

Does the concrete table need to be level?

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No, that is not always necessary.

Unlike a billiards or table football table, the ball does not have to roll.
Football tables: Only our football tables must be placed level!!
Ping pong tables and foot volleyball tables: We place these with the bottom in place. In this way, the height of the table, measured relative to your feet, is the same on both sides. This is certainly an advantage if the children play the game "Around the table". They then do not have to adapt to a height difference. After all, if the table were level and the floor sloped, the table would feel higher on one side compared to the other.
Benches and picnic sets: In principle, these are all placed with the bottom. Our driver always ensures that the products cannot 'wobble'.

Is there a guarantee on our tables?

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We provide a 10-year warranty on the construction of the tables and a 5-year warranty on the adhesion of the paint.

What is the weight of the concrete tables and benches?

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By clicking on the photo of the product on our website, you will be taken to the specifications page where you can find the exact dimensions in addition to the exact weight.

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